Shrugged shoulders – this is men’s common reaction whenever menopause is discussed by their significant other. Perhaps the reaction occurs because it is hard to understand something that you do not personally experience.
But what if men do actually experience menopause? Would you begin to understand a woman’s menopausal plight? It may be a resounding yes or no but this article isn't about the answer to that question...
This article is about helping you understand "male menopause", "Low-T", and what to do if you want to see a medical professional about your symptoms.
Medical studies show that women are not the only ones who experience menopause, men do too. The term is referred to as "male menopause" commonly known as andropause.
Viropause is another term for male menopause. This is described to be the cause of low testosterone levels. Others view it as an end to first adulthood and an indication to begin second adulthood... hello mid-life crisis!
Some individuals, on the other hand, view andropause in a sexual manner, wherein it signifies deterioration of sexual desires and performance.
Men may find this fact alarming. Perhaps then, they will start to realize and later on comprehend what it is like to have drastic hormonal change. Menopause for women has distinct and defined symptoms such as stop of the menstrual cycle, hot flashes which is evident on the face, chest, and neck, too much perspiration, dryness in the vagina, throbbing heartbeat, body aches, itching skin, the growth of hair increases specifically on the face but the growth of hair decrease on armpit and pubic hair.
On the other hand, a decrease in testosterone production is the most well-defined symptom of male menopause. This can be screened and identified after consulting a physician since the decrease in testosterone may also be associated with other illnesses that tend to present themselves as we age.
Ok, so what are the symptoms of low testosterone? How can you tell if you have Low T?
Once testosterone levels have gone down, the following symptoms may become more and more obvious:
Physical exhaustion from simple tasks. The usual alertness and drive to easily accomplish tasks decreases. Being usually tired however doesn't lead to better sleep. At this stage, he may suffer from insomnia.
An increase in weight and body fat is evident yet unexplainable... i.e. You haven't been pounding greasy burgers and fries and have no explanation for the sudden change in your body composition.
Mental fatigue. The ability to concentrate eludes you. You might notice it takes you longer to “digest” things you are hearing or reading.
Emotional exhaustion. At this time, a man’s temper varies. He may feel happy now and suddenly sadness might strike him. Sadness aside, he may depict an angry attitude most of the time. Moreover, a man experiencing male menopause can easily be observed as always nervous.
Decrease in sexual desire. This may be due to failure to get or sustain an erection.
Andropause is not an alarming situation if you are armed with the facts about male menopause and what you can do. It will also help to read articles from medical professionals (such as the one you're reading now) on its symptoms so you can gauge whether or not you are in fact suffering from andropause.
Of course, to further verify, you should always schedule a visit with your physician to get your testosterone levels checked. Learn what to expect and book your FREE telehealth visit here.
Looking for more information about Low Testosterone, symptoms, therapy, and more? Download our free guide here so you can make an informed decision about the right path for you.